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Mostrando postagens de setembro, 2019

Our Political System Is NOT Broken At All

Fantastic video! When we realize that our old concepts of "values" are weakened by virtual currencies, we will only realize the need to take a completely opposite stance and to EMBRACE these virtual currencies that is condemned today when we have to travel between planets. AND WITH MUCH PLEASURE! This spatial expansion will not be a passing fad, but the obligatory development to keep human society alive in the face of the limits that extractive survival on our planet has already exhausted. The only way we can survive is to develop food production (for example) in "extra" production fields in space, rather than expanding food production on our planet, destroying it further. It's all about money ...

Vaccine Bill SB276 Is Government Tyranny

Is This the Cheap Electric Car we all Want?

URGENTE: Senadores se unem, desafiam Gilmar Mendes e combatem por Lava T...

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